Many times while building web applications, most business owners stick to what they know. Since there is always a new and improved technology coming out at a faster rate than ever before, it is hard to gauge as a business owner or web developer whether or not investing the time and money into the new technology pays off.

I, myself, was always a huge fan of PHP and Ruby on Rails, at least until I made the transition to Meteor.js, a node javascript full-stack framework.

What is Meteor?

Meteor does in one line of code what PHP and Ruby would take hundreds, it is reactive code that is universal. Universal code that runs on the client, from NPM like packages and database APIs to actual different devices such as Android or iOS. Basically, Meteor saves time and money and is adaptive to whatever solution you need.

Meteor is also very customizable. There are a lot of Angular or React fans out there,  but the great thing about Meteor is the plug and play package system. Users can throw out and add new routing systems, or UI frameworks, as a matter of fact there are over 9,000 packages built specifically for Meteor. Developers also have the ability to convert NPM packages with just a standard boiler template. One of the greatest features Meteor has for clients is the auto update between user changes without any browser refreshing across devices.

Build Apps in Lesser Time

When working with a web development company, often times your project may already be in progress or in a very far stage. So there is a catch all when it comes to saving time and money, most of the time it is better to have a web development firm finish or maintain an already existing project. For the lucky few who have not yet started their project or are in very early stages, Meteor can be exactly what you need to build an affordable application that is far better than the original standards set.

Meteor in its most simple form starts you out with a basic structure, as you add packages this structure can easily change. With seasoned developers such as our team at Tamberra, we have a very good system with the recommended base packages. Within days, you will be able to see your web applications transform and take on a life of its own. Meteor covers and includes a user system, thus saving time. Meteor also comes with an enormous list of functions that save time while developing. Not to mention there are a lot of CSS frameworks that are easily plug and play. We can have a full application developed in weeks, and work with designers to style your application exactly how you want it with top notch quality!

Building applications with Meteor saves time and money. Wouldn’t you like to see your application done just in a few weeks rather than months?

Cost Saving Benefits Of Meteor

Here is a quick list of the cost saving benefits of Meteor:

  • Same code base between the web application and mobile applications.
  • Reduced server load with code running on the client.
  • No refreshing saves time while using the application.
  • Packages allow developers to not have to re-code what has been done millions of times.
  • Developers only have to focus on the “Meat” of the functionality of your application.
  • The code is easy to maintain just by updating packages in the command line.
  • All HTML, CSS, and the code is compiled into a build. Runs as minimal as possible.
  • A few packages offer easy custom analytics with just a few lines of code in your application.
  • Security is top notch!
  • Meteor is FREE, the best benefit of all!

The Future Of Meteor

Meteor is still the underdog and is quickly becoming known more every day. The fact is Meteor is just getting started, and the future of it is in the hands with some of the brightest people. As a business decision, I would consult with an experienced Meteor developer to assess the possibility of migrating your system, or possibly branching a part of your application out to it. We believe that it should not take 40 developers to maintain an iOS, Android, and web application, but only one. That is the power of Meteor.

Great Apps Built On Meteor

Here is a quick list of the best apps built on Meteor!

Code Fights:

Code fights are revolutionary in the developer community. It allows coders to face off in live online games that test each coder’s skill one on one. This application is built completely on Meteor and is very smooth. The features are amazing! This application proves that scaling, security, and reactivity are all prominent in Meteor.


Favro is the newest and baddest(in a good way!) kanban board. The original product Hansoft, is almost used in every single game development project in north America. So when they wanted to make a new version that was appealing to the public for being as simple as possible, and just as their predecessor. They knew they had to turn the one platform that could handle it all, Meteor!



Although I am not a user of Flowkey, you have to admit. Building an application like that in the web browser is absolutely amazing. The app uses real-time polyphonic pitch detection to identify notes played by the user, match those notes with the notes from the player and give real-time feedback. This application has a huge library as well, very impressive!


There are many more applications that are more known using Meteor. You can actually find a list here. It is widely known that Trello is using Meteor, although Trello has never confirmed this. You find Trello mentioned in a lot of Meteor’s early documentation.